If you’re experiencing difficulty and thinking “How can I fix my broken website?”, then this guide is for you! Broken links, outdated content, and malfunctioning WordPress sites are just a few of the common issues that may be plaguing your online presence. Let’s get into the range of remedies for these issues at hand.

From identifying broken pages and links to troubleshooting URL issues using Google Analytics or other tools, this blog post covers everything you need to know to end the “How can I fix my broken website?” thought. We’ll discuss how implementing WP_DEBUG can pinpoint specific errors within a WordPress site while also ensuring robust security measures are implemented for smoother functioning.

If you can’t access the dashboard of a broken WordPress site using FTP clients or cPanel management tools, we’ll explore methods for monitoring internal link structures with Google Analytics. This valuable knowledge will enable you not only to fix your current website issues but also to maintain its health in the long run.

Table of Contents:

How can I fix my broken website is the first question to ask when you see a problem occur on your website. To fix your broken website, it is crucial to identify the causes of these issues. This may include broken links caused by outdated content, incorrect URLs from external websites, or low-priority not-found errors (404).

Regularly checking for such errors every 90 days will help maintain optimal site performance. In fact, we recommend all clients of ours have us manage their site with at least 1 hour per month in order to avoid any catastrophic errors which could lead to broken sites, hacking, and malware.

Updating Outdated Content or Deleting Irrelevant Pages

One common cause of broken links is outdated content on your website. Reviewing and updating this content ensures that users have access to accurate information while also improving search engine rankings. If a page is no longer relevant or useful, consider deleting it and setting up a redirect to another related page.

Setting Up Redirects for Users Accessing Removed URLs

If you’ve removed pages from your site but still receive traffic through old links, set up redirects so users are taken to an appropriate alternative location. By doing so, you can prevent visitors from encountering frustrating not-found errors (404), which can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

Correcting Incorrect URL Links at Their Source

  • Finding broken links: Use tools like Broken Link Checker, Google Search Console’s Crawl Errors report or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool to find broken internal links within your website.
  • Contacting external sites: Reach out to webmasters who have linked incorrectly with the correct URL if possible; they may be unaware of the issue and appreciate your help in fixing broken links.
  • Regular monitoring: Make it a habit to check for incorrect URLs every 90 days, ensuring that users can access all site content without encountering errors.

By taking preventive measures, you can not only enhance the user experience but also optimize your website’s visibility on search engines. By identifying and fixing issues early, you’ll maintain a functional site that drives business growth.

Identifying broken pages and links is essential to ensure your website runs smoothly. Fixing a malfunctioning WordPress website requires more complex steps, such as implementing WP_DEBUG and increasing PHP memory limits for optimal performance.

Key Takeaway: 



To fix a broken website, it’s important to identify the causes of issues such as outdated content or incorrect URLs. Regularly checking for errors and updating content can improve user experience and search engine rankings. Setting up redirects for removed pages and correcting incorrect URL links will also enhance visibility on search engines.

Fixing a Malfunctioning WordPress Website

If your entire WordPress website is down or malfunctioning due to reasons like insufficient PHP memory limit or security vulnerabilities, don’t worry. Finding solutions to restore your website is possible with the right approach. Let’s explore some of the most effective methods:

Implementing WP_DEBUG to Identify Specific Problems

WP_DEBUG is a powerful tool that helps pinpoint exact errors causing disruptions in functionality on your WordPress site. Enabling WP_DEBUG can enable you to view errors on your site, allowing for quicker identification and rectification of any problems.

Increasing PHP Memory Limits for Smoother Functioning

In some cases, increasing the PHP memory limit may help improve your site’s performance by allowing more resources for processing requests. To increase the memory limit, simply edit the ‘php.ini’ file within your hosting account and set an appropriate value based on recommendations from either official documentation or support forums related specifically towards addressing such concerns as those outlined here today.

Ensuring Robust Security Measures Are Implemented

  • Password protection: Use strong passwords for all accounts associated with managing/administering access rights over digital assets under consideration during development phases currently underway.
  • Maintaining regular updates: Keep both core software components (e.g., operating systems) alongside third-party applications/plugins/themes updated at all times so as not only ensure optimal levels of functionality but also protect against potential vulnerabilities which might otherwise compromise overall integrity across multiple aspects involved within creation processes themselves.
  • Implementing SSL certificates: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates help encrypt data transmitted between browsers and servers, making it more difficult for hackers to intercept sensitive information. Make sure your site has an SSL certificate installed and properly configured.

By taking preventative measures, such as SSL certificate installation and configuration, you can ensure a secure and reliable WordPress website for both yourself and your visitors.

By following the instructions provided, one can quickly and easily restore a WordPress website to its proper functioning state. Accessing the dashboard of a broken WordPress site is another challenge that requires careful attention and an understanding of FTP clients, cPanel management tools, and 301 redirects within .htaccess files to ensure successful resolution.

Key Takeaway: 



Don’t panic if your WordPress website is malfunctioning. You can fix it by implementing WP_DEBUG to identify specific problems, increasing PHP memory limits for smoother functioning, and ensuring robust security measures are implemented such as password protection, regular updates, and SSL certificates. Taking these steps will not only fix your broken site but also prevent future issues from arising.

Accessing the Dashboard of a Broken WordPress Site

If you’re unable to access the dashboard of a broken WordPress site due to theme-related problems, you can log in to FTP credentials or cPanel to deactivate problematic themes without directly accessing the dashboard. This ensures comprehensive coverage against potential issues arising from untrustworthy plugin/theme installation processes.

Using FTP Client to Deactivate Problematic Themes/Plugins

Using an FTP client such as FileZilla, you can access your website’s files and folders remotely to locate and rename the folder containing a problematic theme or plugin. By connecting through an FTP client like FileZilla, you can locate and rename the folder containing the troublesome theme or plugin, effectively disabling it. Once this is done, try accessing your site again – if successful, consider replacing or updating the faulty component for optimal performance.

Utilizing cPanel Management Tools for Troubleshooting

cPanel, a popular web hosting control panel, offers various tools that aid in fixing broken links and other website errors. For instance, use its File Manager feature to navigate your site’s directory structure and disable any conflicting themes/plugins by renaming their respective folders. Additionally, consult error logs within cPanel for further insights on what may have caused disruptions in functionality.

Adding 301 Redirects within .htaccess Files

  • Create a functional site backup before making changes to the .htaccess file;
  • Navigate to your root directory using either an FTP client or cPanel;
  • Edit the existing .htaccess file (or create one if not present);
  • Add necessary 301 redirect rules for broken internal links;
  • Save any alterations and assess the website to make sure it is functioning as intended.

In cases where you can’t access your WordPress dashboard due to theme or plugin issues, these troubleshooting methods will help regain control of your website. By addressing the root cause of errors, you’ll maintain a high-quality user experience and improve search engine rankings in the long run.

Gaining knowledge of a malfunctioning WordPress website’s dashboard can offer insight into the underlying causes and provide guidance on how to resolve them. With proper monitoring of internal link structures with Google Analytics, small businesses are able to stay on top of their website’s performance and make necessary changes for optimal success.

Key Takeaway: 



If you’re unable to access the dashboard of a broken WordPress site due to theme-related problems, you can log in to FTP credentials or cPanel to deactivate problematic themes without directly accessing the dashboard. An FTP client like FileZilla can be used to locate and rename the folder containing the troublesome theme or plugin, effectively disabling it. Additionally, use cPanel’s management tools for troubleshooting and adding 301 redirects within .htaccess files for broken internal links.

Monitoring Internal Link Structures with Google Analytics

To maintain optimal performance levels over time when dealing with internal linking structures that are prone to errors during creation stages (e.g., wrong URL entries), consider utilizing Google Analytics as part of ongoing monitoring practices aimed at identifying link breakages across all instances throughout webpages being tracked via this free toolset offered by the search engine giant itself. Regularly examining and rectifying broken links can better the website’s user experience as well as increase its presence on search engines.

Export Reports Generated through Google Analytics into Spreadsheets

Start by exporting a list of broken internal links from your Google Analytics account. Navigate to the “Behavior” section, then click on “Site Content” followed by “All Pages.” Apply an advanced filter to display only pages containing 404 errors. Export the report of broken internal links from Google Analytics in CSV format and import it into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Tracking Link Redirect Processes within Respective Domains

  • Create a New Column: In your spreadsheet, create a new column titled “Redirect Status.” This will help you track whether each broken link has been fixed or not.
  • Analyze Each Row: Go through each row in the spreadsheet and determine if there is an incorrect URL causing the error. If so, correct it using tools such as Broken Link Checker.
  • Add Redirects: For any URLs that need to be redirected due to content changes or removals, add appropriate 301 redirects using .htaccess files or other server-side methods.
  • Prioritize High-Traffic Pages: Focus on fixing broken links on high-traffic pages first, as these have the most significant impact on your website’s overall performance and user experience.

By regularly monitoring internal link structures with Google Analytics and addressing any issues that arise, you can ensure a smooth browsing experience for your visitors while also improving your site’s search engine rankings. Don’t let broken links hold back your small business – fix them today with Wonder Web Development.

Monitoring internal link structures with Google Analytics is a crucial step in ensuring the proper functioning of your website. Giving priority to and rectifying faulty connections can assist in making sure that viewers are able to rapidly and simply access all material on your website, thus forming an indispensable part of any webmaster’s upkeep procedure.

Key Takeaway: 



Regularly monitoring internal link structures with Google Analytics and exporting reports to spreadsheets can help identify broken links on high-traffic pages. By fixing these errors, you can improve your website’s user experience and increase its visibility on search engines. Don’t let broken links hold back your small business – fix them today.

Once identified, broken links should be addressed promptly to ensure their timely resolution; creating an Excel spreadsheet will help you identify and analyze the issue. To effectively manage this process, create an Excel spreadsheet to track the link redirect progress. Analyzing each page to determine the cause of malfunction is key.

Creating a Spreadsheet for Tracking Broken Link Redirects

To begin with, list all the broken links found on your site along with their corresponding correct URLs. Include additional columns for notes regarding the reason behind each issue and any necessary actions taken to resolve them. By maintaining such records, you can ensure that similar problems do not recur in future updates or changes made to your site content.

Prioritizing High-Traffic or Problematic Links for Repair

In order to make efficient use of time and resources while fixing broken links, prioritize those that have higher traffic or pose more significant issues within your website structure. For instance, focus on repairing internal pages containing valuable information about products/services offered by your small business first before moving onto less critical areas like blog posts or FAQs sections where visitors might be less likely to engage deeply anyway.

Broken Link Building strategies can also be employed as part of ongoing SEO efforts aimed at improving overall search engine rankings over time; however, these should never replace regular maintenance checks carried out every 90 days to maintain optimal performance levels throughout the entire digital environment being managed here today.

  • Finding Broken Links: Utilize tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider or Google Search Console to find broken links on your website.
  • Analyzing Causes: Determine the reasons behind each broken link, such as incorrect URLs, outdated content, or server issues.
  • Taking Action: Implement appropriate solutions like updating content, setting up redirects for removed pages, and correcting URL structures at their source.

Will These Tips Help Fix My Broken Website?

Yes, they’re a great start! Incorporating these strategies into your regular site maintenance routine will ensure that visitors have a seamless experience while browsing through all aspects of what makes up local small businesses’ online presence today.

Taking the time to arrange and address defective connections is a way of guaranteeing your website performs at its best. Troubleshooting common URL issues is a great next step in ensuring all of your webpages are functioning properly.

Key Takeaway: 



To fix broken links on your website, create a spreadsheet to track the link redirect progress and prioritize high-traffic or problematic links for repair. Utilize tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider or Google Search Console to find broken links, determine their causes, and take appropriate action such as updating content or setting up redirects. Incorporating these strategies into regular site maintenance will ensure visitors have a seamless experience while browsing local small businesses’ online presence.

Troubleshooting Common URL Issues

When dealing with a broken website, it’s essential to address common URL issues that may be causing disruptions in your site’s functionality. In some cases, you can fix a broken link by editing the web address in your browser’s address bar or removing punctuation at the end of a sentence containing that specific URL reference point. If this doesn’t work, try copying and pasting problematic addresses directly into browsers’ navigation bars as an alternative approach towards troubleshooting efforts currently being undertaken within digital environments under scrutiny here today.

Editing Web Addresses Manually to Resolve Issues

One way to resolve broken links is by manually editing the web addresses. This involves locating incorrect URLs on your website and replacing them with correct ones. For instance, if you find a link pointing to “example.com/page1” when it should be “example.com/page-1”, simply update the hyperlink accordingly.

Copying and Pasting Problematic URLs as an Alternative Solution

If manual edits don’t seem to fix the issue, consider copying and pasting problematic URLs directly into your browser’s navigation bar. Sometimes errors occur due to typing mistakes or formatting inconsistencies; therefore, double-checking each link might help identify these issues quickly before they escalate further into more significant problems affecting overall user experience levels throughout online spaces occupied primarily via internet-connected devices such as smartphones/tablets nowadays.

In addition to these methods for fixing broken internal links, utilizing tools like Google Analytics will provide valuable insights regarding which pages are experiencing higher bounce rates due specifically towards incorrect URL entries made during content creation processes. By identifying these problem areas, you can prioritize fixing high-traffic broken links or those with underlying error-causing rules to ensure your website is working properly and maintaining a positive user experience for visitors.

Key Takeaway: 



When dealing with the question How can I fix my broken website, it’s important to troubleshoot common URL issues by editing web addresses manually or copying and pasting problematic URLs. Utilizing tools like Google Analytics can also help identify problem areas and prioritize fixing high-traffic broken links for a positive user experience.

FAQs in Relation to How Can I Fix My Broken Website

How to Find and Fix Broken Links on Your Website

So you’re asking how can I fix my broken website. one of the first things you should do is check for broken links. Broken links can negatively impact your site’s user experience and SEO. Here’s how to find and fix them:

Use Online Tools to Find Broken Links

There are several online tools you can use to find broken links on your website. Two popular options are Broken Link Checker and Check My Links. These tools will scan your site and identify any broken links. Once you’ve identified broken links, you can update them with the correct URL or remove them if they’re no longer relevant.

Common Causes of Broken Links

There are several reasons why your website may have broken links. Some common causes include:

  • Deleted pages without proper redirects
  • Changed URLs without updating internal/external references
  • Typos in linking code
  • Expired domain names for external resources (e.g., images)
  • Discontinued third-party content providers

How to Find Internal Broken Links

To find internal broken links on your website, you can use Google Analytics’ “Crawl Errors” report under “Crawl > Crawl Errors.” Another option is to use a free online tool like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, which crawls your site’s structure and identifies any dead ends within its navigation system.

Other Reasons Your Site May Be Broken

While broken links are a common cause of a broken website, there are other reasons why your site may not be working properly. These include:

  • Outdated plugins, themes, or software
  • Incorrect file permissions
  • Server issues
  • Malware infections
  • Coding errors
  • Changes in third-party services

If you’re experiencing issues with your website, it’s important to have a functional site backup and to examine your site content, PHP theme, and any error messages you’ve found. By identifying the root cause of the issue, you can take steps to fix it and ensure your site is working properly for both users and search engines.

Please Help Fix My broken Website!!

In conclusion, fixing a broken website involves identifying and updating outdated content, correcting erroneous links, troubleshooting WordPress issues, deactivating problematic themes, monitoring internal link structures with Google Analytics, and creating a comprehensive spreadsheet report for prioritizing high-traffic fixes. Regular checks should be scheduled to prevent errors and ensure optimal website performance.

If you need assistance in resolving website issues or implementing the aforementioned strategies, Wonder Web Development can provide customized solutions to suit your business requirements. contact Wonder Web Development today. Our skilled professionals can create bespoke solutions that are specifically tailored to your business objectives.