The article “Coaches Have a Unique Opportunity to Profit on LinkedIn” was originally written by author Paul Thomas for publication by The Vitality Agency. The following version has been edited and formatted for this site.
LinkedIn is, at its heart, about building connections and developing strong relationships. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that individuals in the coaching industry have a unique opportunity to use LinkedIn. Utilization of LinkedIn marketing for professional lead generation can catapult your coaching business to the top and net a number of new clients.
But how? Coaches benefit from a special opportunity to increase their potential outreach and establish themselves as authorities in an industry that’s diluted by lackluster “talent.” Additionally, they can connect with respected coaching masterminds to develop a greater knowledge of their industry. Ultimately, this will improve their offerings and collective value to clients.
How to Utilize LinkedIn
While consultants may also consider the benefits of LinkedIn, coaches still have a better edge. This is due to the people-centric approach that LinkedIn favors in marketing to its user base. Consultants know the numbers. Coaches know the people.
LinkedIn is all about the people and ensuring that you market to them in a way that is genuine and mutually beneficial. Additionally, your connections must be utilized in a way that opens the door to an engaging conversation. Cheap sales methods do not work here. Professionals simply don’t have the time to waste on the same old pitch. They’ve seen them a million times before.
While consultants can and are very successful in marketing themselves on LinkedIn, they likely will be the most successful if they know a thing or two about coaching. As I’ve discussed before in my article, “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Coach“, business coaching is a useful application to incorporate in any industry.

Marketing Yourself Using LinkedIn
An interesting correlation between effective marketing and successful coaching is getting your target audience to identify the need themselves rather than shoving it in their faces. The reason for this is simple. The need has been realized before the solution is presented. For example, asking questions in a guiding fashion about the poor performance of an employee may lead the manager to come to a conclusion on their own. They may realize there is a need to replace the employee before you propose that same solution yourself.
In the end, it comes down to a tactful approach. As a coach, you should understand that there are thousands of individuals out there competing with you. Many of them have undergone similar training and may have the same consultant-level knowledge. The difference comes in the application of those solutions. Ultimately, you must ensure that management and lower-level employees can survive the changes to the culture of their business without collapse. A human approach is needed and this is where LinkedIn can make you stand out from the rest.
Which LinkedIn Marketing Tools can I Use for Maximum Success?
- Published Posts – Weekly or Bimonthly published posts help establish credibility and authority in your respective industry. Keep up to date on changes in your industry. Additionally, you should follow hot button subjects and respond accordingly. This will draw more attention to your business and will increase your ability to help your audience. Above all, it will also make you stand out from the rest. Consequently, doing so allows you to build trust with your connections over time.
- Groups – Sharing discussions in relevant groups with a carefully crafted purpose will build engagement with your audience. Additionally, it will also allow you to find the need in your audience before starting a private discussion. Upon completion of this process, you may then begin to suggest solutions to the problem.
- Messaging Campaigns – Developing strong message templates that are genuine, beneficial, and open the door to conversation are a great way to approach your target audience without coming off like a cheap salesman. Again, it is all about identifying the need first, followed by the solution.
Even if a connection expresses no immediate need, the conversation may still be worthwhile. Some of my best campaigns have been altered through the advice of the audience I reached out to. Whether they suggest a different contact who may be more open to my offer, or they have a different benefit that would inspire more response, successes will be realized.
Ultimately, the point is to make your marketing efforts fluid, so they can adapt to the environment around them. This is why coaches have a unique opportunity to profit on LinkedIn. They are creative thinkers able to survive in a changing environment while working with others to support the intended outcome.

Are You Looking for Assistance with a Blog Campaign?
Are you a professional coach looking to build your network on LinkedIn and establish yourself as an authority in your industry? The staff at Wonder Web Development is here to help you execute a successful LinkedIn marketing campaign. We take pride in our work, care about our clients and love to see you succeed. After all, your success is a reflection on us.
Interested in learning more? Please feel free to contact the pros at Wonder Web Development for a free consultation. Additionally, you can learn more about LinkedIn marketing on our Professional Lead Generation page. We can’t wait to hear from you!
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