Professional Lead Generation

wonder web development professional lead generation

Are you interested in sharing your professional industry expertise? Do you have a specialized target audience that you’re trying to reach? Let our team help you get noticed and attract a new clientele with a targeted professional lead generation campaign.

No matter how big or small your business is, creating a LinkedIn profile should be on your “to do” list. If your services cater to other business owners, a LinkedIn profile is a must! Using LinkedIn as a marketing tool, you can target and communicate directly with exactly who you need to.

At Wonder Web Development, we keep up with the changes in the LinkedIn marketing landscape. Most noteworthy, we develop plans of action and strategies to attract high end clients and fellow business owners like yourself.


Why Choose Wonder Web Development?

You have specific marketing needs. Get the results you desire with a specially-targeted campaign.

Wonder Web Development looks at LinkedIn marketing as your chance to engage directly with fellow business owners. For that reason, powerfully communicating your message and the services you offer is at the core of our targeted lead generation campaigns.

Many businesses cater to niche markets. For example, a local massage therapist or dance community can cater to a wide variety of clients. They’ve got it easy because anyone can take advantage their services. However, many businesses cater to the needs of fellow business owners. For this reason, you need a direct channel to communicate with that target market.

Our professional lead generation agency gives your brand a consistent voice across LinkedIn – a social media network for business professionals. By developing & creating blog campaigns, leveraging data analytics, and engaging directly with your target audience, we help you reach out to the clients you need.


Industries which can heavily benefit from professional lead generation campaigns:

  • Business/Life Coaches (Ex. – Reach out to fellow business owners in need of professional direction.)
  • Comedians (Ex. – Reach out to club and venue owners to increase bookings.)
  • Dentists (Ex. – Find professionals looking for dental services their employees.)
  • Musicians (Ex. – Contact record label owners or seek out venue owners to secure bookings.)
  • Writers/Authors (Ex. Reach out to publishers who may be interested in distributing your work.)
  • Attorneys (Ex. – Promote your specialty or field of expertise to fellow business owners in need.)
  • Doctors (Ex. – Reach out to fellow professionals who may be interested in your medial specialties.)
  • Landscapers (Ex. – Find businesses and communicate with owners in need of floral upkeeping services.)
  • Painters/Sculptors (Ex. – Discover potential patrons who may be interested in commissioning works of art.)
  • App Developers (Ex. – Find seed funding opportunities to get your company off the ground or finance projects.)
  • High End Boutiques (Ex. – Let clients with deep pockets know about your brand and the products you sell.)

What you can expect with Wonder Web Development

An Eye-catching, Professional LinkedIn Profile

The lead generation & marketing teams at Wonder Web Development create an attractive, professional profile on LinkedIn for you and for your business. First and foremost, this will highlight your expertise and authority in your field. It will also become the building block of your targeted marketing campaign. Additionally, a properly designed LinkedIn profile will attract others to connect with you on their own.

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

We collaboratively create a strategy that includes a consistent brand voice across LinkedIn. Additionally, we author and design material to market yourself and your business to specific clients of interest.

Targeted Marketing

We become experts in your field and directly locate potential clients who may need your services; all while creating a valuable network of contacts.

Blogging and Self Promotion

Receive guidance on your current blog posts or let us handle the writing. As your Sparks, NV based LinkedIn marketing partners, we promote blogs and develop email campaigns that push your business to fellow industry leaders and help you land high end clients.

Social Media Traffic Analysis

Social media marketing isn’t enough without strategic monitoring. We analyze data to find out what works best for your company.

Increased Brand Awareness

We get to know every part of your brand so we can communicate that culture and tone to potential clients & customers.Targeted lead generation can annoy people if done incorrectly. Consequently, a business with the wrong strategy can be viewed as “pushy” or irritating.

What makes sense on Facebook or Twitter won’t necessarily make sense on LinkedIn. Understandably, this is because the audience is vastly different. Above all, our team understands the difference between thoughtful marketing and just going in swinging. We position you strategically so your brand has a dynamic presence on LinkedIn. Ultimately, this shows the people we reach out to that you’re worth doing business with.

Our goal is to be your go-to digital marketing partner, creating a brand voice that represents you exactly the way you want to be perceived by your customers. We know you care about your customers and the way they talk about you. Reach out to them and engage them with content that will communicate your expertise and authenticity.

Define Your Brand’s Voice and Expand Your Reach

At Wonder Web Development, we don’t do anything without a strategy in place. We plan every month in advance while also checking in with you regularly for up-to-date news which showcase your brand and your expertise.

Get the people in your target audience talking with links that give your business authority. When done strategically, LinkedIn can add a professional touch to your brand and land you a number of high-paying clients.

If you’re ready to redefine the way your customers perceive and interact with your brand online, contact us to schedule a FREE consultation with our team!


To view a list of our clients, click HERE.


If your business is in the Reno/Sparks/Carson City/Lake Tahoe area and you're looking for local support, please review our Nevada local assistance page or feel free to Contact Us to schedule a consultation. We're dedicated to helping businesses in our local community grow and thrive!

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